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Created by Adminsske on 28 June 2012, at 11:29


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DEsigning Lifelong Learning for Innovation in Information Services Science (DELLIISS)

The DELLIISS project aims at “Designing Lifelong Learning for Innovation in Information Services Science”.

The DELLIISS project is a 24 months project which started in October 2008 concluded in September 2010.
The partnership is based on pan-European universities, ICT research institutes and enterprises. Each DELLIISS partner has functions of research, innovation and education. Associated partners form public and private enterprises complete the partnership.
The DELLIISS approach is based on the “Knowledge Triangle Research –Education – Innovation” approach. DELLIISS will provide new parallel learning trajectories in the field of Information Service Science (ISS) at Europe-wide level bringing together Knowledge Map on R&D education offer and Skill Card.

DELLIISS partners aim to create a new professional Master (60 ECTS) managed at European level associated with a service systems project in organisation.
DELLIISS aims at establishing a vertical integration within each country and a horizontal integration across countries of the innovation-research-education triangle. At the most general level the DELLIISS project reach out to the wider stakeholder community via the organisation of Think Tank events and discussion via a Think Tank Platform.

More information can be found at here.

This page was last modified on 28 June 2012, at 11:29.This page has been accessed 1,377 times.