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Created by Adminsske on 11 June 2012, at 15:24


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A VSA-SS Approach to Healthcare Service Systems
An Integrated SS-VSA Analysis of Changing Job Roles
Challenges for EU support to innovation in services
Creating New Markets Through Service Innovationwarning.png'Creating New Markets Through Service Innovation' may not use property 'SSKE Knowledge/isPublishedIn' with the value MIT_Sloan_Management_Review, according to property definition.
Creativity and Innovation
Cultivating in demand skills for an on demand world
Designing a service science discipline with discipline
Foundations and Implications of a Proposed Unified Services Theory
Fundamentals of service science
Growth in Services
IBM Systems Journal
ICT infrastructure for innovation
Innovation and productivity growth in the EU services sector
Innovation in Services for Australian Industries
Innovation in the U.S. Service Sector
Introduction to Service Engineering
Journal of Grid Computing
Journal of Universal Computer Science
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Making Service Science Mainstream
Managing innovation through customer coproduced knowledge in electronic services
On value and value co-creation: A service systems perspective
Proceedings (41): Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Relooking at services science and services innovation
SSMED: Outline and References
Service Science (2)
Service Science (3.1)
Service Science (3.2)
Service Science (Grid Computing Journal paper)
Service Science (Journal)
Service Science for Service Innovationwarning.png'Service Science for Service Innovation' may not use property 'SSKE Knowledge/isPublishedIn' with the value Journal_of_Service_Science, according to property definition.
Service Science: Toward a Smarter Planet
Service system fundamentals: Work system, value chain, and life cycle
Services Computing (book)
Services Innovation in E-government
Smart Service Systems and Viable Service Systems
Steps Toward a Science of Service Systems
Succeeding through service innovation
Teaching and Research of Service Science at HSE
Test Article
Test nou
The service system is the basic abstraction of service sciencewarning.pngMissing annotations. Please add 1 more annotation(s) of 'SSKE Knowledge/isAConfigurationOf' (or its subproperties) to 'The service system is the basic abstraction of service science'.
Toward a conceptual foundation for service science
Towards a Science of Services. Value and Symbols
Typology of Service Innovation from Service-Dominant Logic Perspective
Understanding Service Businesses
This page was last modified on 11 June 2012, at 15:24.This page has been accessed 14,319 times.