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Created by Ontoprise on 24 November 2011, at 14:53


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SMW+ offers unlimited possibilities. This lesson gives you directions where to find out what you can do to extend SMW+ and to get out the most of it.

Identify your goals with SMW+

SMW+ is a highly versatile Wiki that can serve a lot of purposes and that grows with your demands. You can use it for project management, as self service portal in your enterprise or even as reporting tool for business intelligence (requires additional software from Ontoprise).

We recommend that you write down your goals that you want to accomplish with this Wiki installation. In a second step you can find out if others have already done what you have in mind, i.e. if there is already a WikiApp at hand (see below!)

Draft your goals that you want to accomplish in a Wiki page:

Create article "Goals with SMW+"

Find WikiApps for your Wiki

The WikiApp repository contains applications that can be loaded into SMW+ to make it a calendar, or a project management tool or other useful applications. WikiApps can be installed with Wiki Administration Tool, too.

Read more about the current list of available WikiApps:

Browse WikiApps in the smwforum

Create your datamodel

The datamodel is the core of any application with SMW+. We recommend that once you know what you want to achieve you should start right away in casting it into a datamodel.

Open the DataExplorer to create your datamodel in this Wiki:

Open the DataExplorer

Find extensions for your Wiki

SMW+ comes with basic features that you can easily extend with special purpose extensions. You probably find the Collaboration extension useful because you want to allow users to leave comments or the Access Control List extension because you want to restrict users from some data. They can be installed with Wiki Administration Tool.

Read more about the current list of available SMW+ Extensions:

Browse extensions in the smwforum

Learn from Examples

The library section of SMWForum offers examples of typical things that you can do with SMW+.

Browse the Examples in the SMWforum:

Browse Examples in the smwforum
The video tutorial section of SMWForum contains easy-to-follow video tutorials covering SMW+ and the SMW+ Extension Suite.

Browse the Video Tutorials in the SMWforum:

Browse Video Tutorials in the smwforum
Publications about SMW+:
Browse Publications in the smwforum

Getting help


Find the complete user manual for SMW+

Visit the SMW+ User Community, which is hosted by ontoprise, Vulcan Inc. and Monitor. Join in our regular user group meetings in north america and europe.

  • Learn to apply and customize: browse the comprehensive user manuals, read about the wealth of business applications and best practices and find out how to deploy, customize and integrate SMW+
  • Contribute to the project: add and publish own materials and discuss with the engineering team or even contribute software
  • If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us via or on SMW+ Discussion Board:

Getting More Information

  • You can get more information on SMW+ here, including history and documentation
  • You can contact people from ontoprise via this page
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Part of bundleSmwplussandbox  +
RationaleThis article gives directions for how to extend the wiki and how to learn from examples.  +
This page was last modified on 24 November 2011, at 14:53.This page has been accessed 12,376 times.