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Created by WikiSysop on 8 November 2011, at 15:50


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Find here all content bundles that are installed in this Wiki.

Click on a content bundle to inspect the associated categories, templates, forms and properties.

Http:// Knowledge.rdf 100100 This ontology bundle was imported via the Deployment Framework from the ontology
Http:// Knowledge.rdfwarning.png'Http:// Knowledge.rdf' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition. 100100 This ontology bundle was imported via the Deployment Framework from the ontology
  • Missing parameter 1 in n-ary property 'Dependency' in 'Smwplus'.
  • 'Smwplus' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 4 annotation(s) of 'Minversion' (or its subproperties) from 'Smwplus'.
1.6.0 This bundle contains a set of articles that is needed to run SMW+. It also contains dependencies to make sure that the all (software-)parts of SMW+ are installed.
  • Missing parameter 1 in n-ary property 'Dependency' in 'Smwplussandbox'.
  • 'Smwplussandbox' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Smwplussandbox'.
1.6.0 This sandbox is shipped with SMW+. It guides the first time user through the features of SMW+

Facts about All content bundlesRDF feed
Part of bundleSmwplus  +
RationaleFind here all content bundles that are installed in this Wiki  +
This page was last modified on 8 November 2011, at 15:50.This page has been accessed 10,946 times.