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Created by Ontoprise on 30 November 2011, at 13:46


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This bundle contains a set of articles that is needed to run SMW+. It also contains dependencies to make sure that the all (software-)parts of SMW+ are installed.

ontoprise GmbH
ontoprise GmbH
Ontoprise license for SMWplus
Patch level
Installation directory
List of software contained in SMW+
Halo extension 1.6.0
Enhanced retrieval extension 1.6.0
WYSIWYG extension 1.6.0
Application Programming extension 1.6.0
Newusermessage extension 3.0.0
SMW+ contains the following articles
Link Category Rationale
! Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
Help template to print out the pipesymbol.
About SMW+warning.png
  • 'About SMW+' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'About SMW+' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
A simple promo article explaining what SMW+ and project halo are.
Acl.gifwarning.png'Acl.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Administration.pngwarning.png'Administration.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
All content bundleswarning.png
  • 'All content bundles' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'All content bundles' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
Find here all content bundles that are installed in this Wiki
Allows valuewarning.pngPlease define the range of 'Allows value' Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the build-in property "Allows value". It contains a possible value of a property. You can specify multiple values by adding multiple annotations.
Arrow-round.pngwarning.png'Arrow-round.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Articlesanddata' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Articlesanddata' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This article is the "Articles and data" menu.
Audio.gifwarning.png'Audio.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Browsedata.gifwarning.png'Browsedata.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Bundle uses namespace prefix Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Specifies a prefix that is used for each article in this bundle.
Button Purchase.png
Button Purchase.pngwarning.png'Button Purchase.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Button Start Sandbox.png
Button Start Sandbox.pngwarning.png'Button Start Sandbox.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Button Upload.png
Button Upload.pngwarning.png'Button Upload.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Category Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
You should use this template to provide your wiki-community with a proper documentation of the categories used in the wiki.
  • 'Category' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Category'.
Categories are used as universal "tags" for articles, describing that the article belongs to a certain group of articles.
Category has iconwarning.pngPlease define the range of 'Category has icon' Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is a special property to assign an icon to a category. This icon is displayed in search results and autocompletion.
Category.gifwarning.png'Category.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Content' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Content' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This category is used for classifying (textual) content which does not fit in any of the other categories.
Content bundlewarning.png
  • 'Content bundle' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • 'Content bundle' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Content bundle' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This category is used to identify a content bundle.
ContentBundles.pngwarning.png'ContentBundles.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Create content for Halopageoptions Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This template generates a link in the "content navigation" box allowing to create new content and attach it to any other article.
Creation datewarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Creation date'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the build-in property "Creation date". It contains the date a article was created. This property is set automatically.
Creatorwarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Creator'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the build-in property "Creator". It contains the name of the user who has created the article. This property is set automatically.
Dependency Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Specifies another WikiApp (or content bundle or ontology) and its allowed version range that is required for this WikiApp.
Document.gifwarning.png'Document.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Entity' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Entity' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
Denotes the default root concept of the built-in ontology.
Firstname Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Denotes the first name of a person.
  • 'Form' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Form'.
This category is used to allow easy bookkeeping of manually created Forms. You should always assign your manually created Forms to this category.
Form Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This template is used to display meta data of a Semantic Form.
Forms.gifwarning.png'Forms.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Forms/Generate form field including PAGENAME Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This template generates a form field containing the pagename of the article.
Get value from list Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This template is useful if you have a list of values separated by an arbitrary delimiter (e.g. ",") and you need a value at a particular position in the list.
  • 'Haloadministration' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Haloadministration' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This article represents the Administration-menu.
  • 'Halopageoptions' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Halopageoptions' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This article represents the "more"-menu.
  • 'Haloquicklinks' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Haloquicklinks' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This article defines the contents of the Quicklinks section at the bottom of each wiki article.
Has default formwarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Has default form'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Pre-defined property which associates a category, a namespace or a single wiki page with a default form.
Has fieldswarning.png
  • Please define the domain and/or range of 'Has fields'.
  • The datatype of 'Has fields' is not defined. Please specify explicitly. Type:page is taken as default.
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the predefined property "Has fields" that is used to specify the type of the slots of records.
Has improper value forwarning.png
  • Please define the domain and/or range of 'Has improper value for'.
  • The datatype of 'Has improper value for' is not defined. Please specify explicitly. Type:page is taken as default.
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the built-in property "Has improper value for". It helps to keep track of input errors in a wiki when values that are assigned to some property are invalid. This property is set automatically.
Has typewarning.pngPlease define the range of 'Has type' Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Defines the type of a property.
Headline wiki parts Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This template is used to display a nice header for all wiki parts, i.e. forms, templates etc
  • 'Help' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Help' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This article is linked in the "Articles and data" menu.
Help Url Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Link to the help page of this WikiApp or content bundle.
Help.gifwarning.png'Help.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Icon DataExplorer.png
Icon DataExplorer.pngwarning.png'Icon DataExplorer.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Icon QueryInterface 32x32.png
Icon QueryInterface 32x32.pngwarning.png'Icon QueryInterface 32x32.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Icon WikiActivity 32x32.png
Icon WikiActivity 32x32.pngwarning.png'Icon WikiActivity 32x32.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Image.gifwarning.png'Image.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Information.pngwarning.png'Information.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Installation dir Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Specifies the directory where the WikiApp or content bundle is installed later on when exporting it from the Wiki.
Instances.gifwarning.png'Instances.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Keys Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
Template for displaying keys
Knows Category:Symmetrical properties Describes the knows relation between two persons.
Last modified bywarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Last modified by'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the build-in property "Last modified by". It contains the name of the user who has modified the article the last time. This property is set automatically.
Lastedits.pngwarning.png'Lastedits.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Lastname Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Attribute for specifying the last name of a user in this Wiki.
Licensewarning.pngPlease define the range of 'License' Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Specifies which license applies to this WikiApp or content bundle.
Mainpage.gifwarning.png'Mainpage.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Maintainer Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Specifies the maintainer of the WikiApp or content bundle.
Maxversionwarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Maxversion'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the build-in property "Maxversion". It is used in the Property:Dependency to specify the maximal version of a software release.
Mediaandfiles.gifwarning.png'Mediaandfiles.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Minversionwarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Minversion'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the build-in property "Minversion". It is used in the Property:Dependency to specify the minimal version of a software release.
Modification datewarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Modification date'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the built-in property "Modification date". It contains the date a article has been modified the last time. This property is set automatically.
Mwextensionwarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Mwextension'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the built-in property "Mwextension". It is used to specify the dependency between a bundle and an extension.
Myarticlesandfiles.pngwarning.png'Myarticlesandfiles.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Mydashboard' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Mydashboard' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This is the My dashboard menu.
Myuploadedfiles.pngwarning.png'Myuploadedfiles.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
NEP/Categorywarning.png'NEP/Category' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
NEP/Propertywarning.png'NEP/Property' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
NoteInText Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
Displays a warning sign and a text.
Ontology version Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Specifies the version number of the ontology or content bundle. Version numbers must follow this schema: "1.6.0"
Ontoprise license for SMWpluswarning.png'Ontoprise license for SMWplus' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Page has default formwarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Page has default form'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Associates the given page directly with a default form (i.e. this page will open in the given form.
Part of bundle Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Links a wiki page to a content bundle.
Patchlevelwarning.pngPlease define the domain of 'Patchlevel'. Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the predefined property "Patchlevel" that is needed to specify the minor release number of a WikiApp or content bundle.
Pdf.gifwarning.png'Pdf.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Phone Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Attribute for specifying a phone number.
Preferences.pngwarning.png'Preferences.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This category contains all properties.
Property Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
Displays a property.
Property.gifwarning.png'Property.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Rationale Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Used to provide a (short) explanation or description of a wiki part.
RemoveACLWarning Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
A template that is needed for halo ACL!
SMW Logo.jpg
SMW Logo.jpgwarning.png'SMW Logo.jpg' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Sandboxwarning.png'Sandbox' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Semnotifications.pngwarning.png'Semnotifications.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Siteinfo.gifwarning.png'Siteinfo.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus category icon 100x100.gif
Smw plus category icon 100x100.gifwarning.png'Smw plus category icon 100x100.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus comment icon 16x16.gif
Smw plus comment icon 16x16.gifwarning.png'Smw plus comment icon 16x16.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus contentsection icon 100x100.gif
Smw plus contentsection icon 100x100.gifwarning.png'Smw plus contentsection icon 100x100.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus form icon 100x100.gif
Smw plus form icon 100x100.gifwarning.png'Smw plus form icon 100x100.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus property icon 100x100.gif
Smw plus property icon 100x100.gifwarning.png'Smw plus property icon 100x100.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus rules icon 100x100.gif
Smw plus rules icon 100x100.gifwarning.png'Smw plus rules icon 100x100.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus template icon 100x100.gif
Smw plus template icon 100x100.gifwarning.png'Smw plus template icon 100x100.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Smw plus user icon small 16x16.png
Smw plus user icon small 16x16.pngwarning.png'Smw plus user icon small 16x16.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • Missing parameter 1 in n-ary property 'Dependency' in 'Smwplus'.
  • 'Smwplus' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 4 annotation(s) of 'Minversion' (or its subproperties) from 'Smwplus'.
Category:Content bundlewarning.png
  • 'Content bundle' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • 'Content bundle' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Content bundle' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This bundle contains a set of articles that is needed to run SMW+. It also contains dependencies to make sure that the all (software-)parts of SMW+ are installed.
SpecialPages.pngwarning.png'SpecialPages.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Subproperty of Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
This is the build-in property "Subproperty of". It lets you indicate that one property is a subproperty of another.
Symmetrical properties This category is used to identify properties that are symmetric. You can improve your query results by using symmetric properties.
Tablelongrow Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This is a helper template to display a table row spanning 2 columns.
Tablerow Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This is helper template to display a table row containing two columns.
Tablesection Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
Help template for generating tables.
Talkpage.pngwarning.png'Talkpage.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Template Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
Call this template whenever making a template accessible for other wiki users. It helps bookkeeping of the templates belonging to a particular wiki section.
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
You should always assign your templates to this category.
Template16px.gifwarning.png'Template16px.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Thingsimwatching32.pngwarning.png'Thingsimwatching32.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Trafficlight.pngwarning.png'Trafficlight.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Transitive properties This category is used to identify properties that are transitive. You can improve your query results by using tranitivity.
Type.gifwarning.png'Type.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Uploadfile.pngwarning.png'Uploadfile.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
User Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This template is used for displaying user articles nicely.
  • 'User' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • 'User' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'User' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'User'.
This category is used to tag wiki users.
User and-accessrigts.gif
User and-accessrigts.gifwarning.png'User and-accessrigts.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
User imagewarning.pngPlease define the range of 'User image' Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Links a user to an image depicting the user.
Userpage.pngwarning.png'Userpage.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Vcard.gifwarning.png'Vcard.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Vendor Category:Propertywarning.png
  • 'Property' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Property'.
Specifies the vendor (typically this is the owner) of the WikiApp or content bundle.
Video.gifwarning.png'Video.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Watchlist.pngwarning.png'Watchlist.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Web-services.gifwarning.png'Web-services.gif' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Welcome Category:Templatewarning.png
  • 'Template' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'Template'.
This template is copied into the user article after the user has logged in the first time.
Wiki help 32x32.png
Wiki help 32x32.pngwarning.png'Wiki help 32x32.png' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
Wiki partwarning.png
  • 'Wiki part' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'Wiki part' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
Super category of all basic parts of the Wiki-content: category, property, form and template
  • 'WikiActivity' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'WikiActivity' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
This article is linked from the "Articles and data" menu.
WikiSysopwarning.png'WikiSysop' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition. Category:Userwarning.png
  • 'User' may not use property 'Category has icon', according to property definition.
  • 'User' may not use property 'Part of bundle', according to property definition.
  • 'User' may not use property 'Rationale', according to property definition.
  • Please remove 1 annotation(s) of 'Rationale' (or its subproperties) from 'User'.
(c) Vulcan inc
Facts about SmwplusRDF feed
Dependencysmwhalo (1.6.0, ?)  +, enhancedretrieval (1.6.0, ?)  +, wysiwyg (1.6.0, ?)  +, applicationprogramming (1.6.0, ?)  + and newusermessage (3.0.0, ?)  +
Help Url  +
Installation dirextensions/Smwplus  +
LicenseOntoprise license for SMWplus  +
Maintainerontoprise GmbH  +
Ontology version1.6.0  +
Part of bundleSmwplus  +
Patchlevel2  +
RationaleThis bundle contains a set of articles that is needed to run SMW+. It also contains dependencies to make sure that the all (software-)parts of SMW+ are installed.  +
Vendorontoprise GmbH  +
This page was last modified on 30 November 2011, at 13:46.This page has been accessed 13,555 times.