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Created by Ontoprise on 30 November 2011, at 13:51


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Welcome to the
SMW+ sandbox!
|| ||

Halo Screenshot.png |} T his is a collection of lessons that guide the first time user through the features of SMW+.
We strongly recommend that you follow them carefully. The lessons are:

  1. What you should do after the installation of your Wiki
  2. Create articles
  3. Tag data in articles
  4. Create queries for data
  5. Create your own data model
  6. How to learn more about SMW+

Are you already logged in? Great, then let´s start. You will visit all lessons in our sandbox tour.
Button Start Sandbox.png

technical information


ontoprise GmbH


ontoprise GmbH


GPL v2



1.6.0 (patchlevel: 1)

;Installation directory


;List of software needed

Smwplus (dependency: Smwplus (1.6.0, ?))


Facts about SmwplussandboxRDF feed
DependencySmwplus (1.6.0, ?)  +
Help Url  +
Installation dirextensions/Smwplussandbox  +
LicenseGPL v2  +
Maintainerontoprise GmbH  +
Ontology version1.6.0  +
Part of bundleSmwplussandbox  +
Patchlevel1  +
RationaleThis sandbox is shipped with SMW+. It guides the first time user through the features of SMW+  +
Vendorontoprise GmbH  +
This page was last modified on 30 November 2011, at 13:51.This page has been accessed 13,562 times.