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Dependency smwhalo (1.6.0, ?)  + , enhancedretrieval (1.6.0, ?)  + , wysiwyg (1.6.0, ?)  + , applicationprogramming (1.6.0, ?)  + , newusermessage (3.0.0, ?)  +
Help Url  +
Installation dir extensions/Smwplus  +
License Ontoprise license for SMWplus +
Maintainer ontoprise GmbH  +
Ontology version 1.6.0  +
Part of bundle Smwplus +
Patchlevel 2  +
Rationale This bundle contains a set of articles that is needed to run SMW+. It also contains dependencies to make sure that the all (software-)parts of SMW+ are installed.  +
Vendor ontoprise GmbH  +
Categories Content bundle  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 30 November 2011 13:46:46  +
hide properties that link here 
! + , About SMW+ + , Acl.gif + , Administration.png + , All content bundles + , Allows value + , Arrow-round.png + , Articlesanddata + , Audio.gif + , Browsedata.gif + , Bundle uses namespace prefix + , Button Purchase.png + , Button Start Sandbox.png + , Button Upload.png + , Category + , Category + , Category has icon + , Category.gif + , Content + , Content bundle + Part of bundle


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